Desk booking in the modern work environment
Do you also find it overwhelming to enter your office space and not being able to find an available desk?
Walking around and seeking a place to work can be an exhausting and frustrating way to start off your workday. In fact, many associate this experience with a lot of discomfort. Therefore, it is essential for modern workplaces to have a great desk booking system. Because, this is a great way to create an overview of available resources and provide the best work conditions for your employees.
Our workplaces have become modernized and more people work remotely as a normal part of their work week. In this era, it becomes increasingly important to look at the workplace area and how our office resources are facilitated. We now have the possibility to take our work with us on the go. Working from different areas of the world offers new opportunities in terms of the flexibility of workspaces.
At Fischer & Kerrn, we have the solution to the frustration that comes with having a lack of overview of office resources! That is, implementing a booking system with integrated hardware and software solutions. The integration is both easy and user-friendly, and offers groundbreaking, complex solutions with the main focus on functionality. It needs to be easy and accessible to book desks and see which resources are available.
To create the ultimate booking experience, you need to have an integrated system. It needs to take the management of your whole company’s office space into account. For this, we suggest a hybrid workplace management system. You can learn more about the hybrid workplace in our blogpost:
How a hybrid workplace can add value: Game-changing room and desk booking solutions.

Save time and money
There are many benefits to a hybrid workplace with an implemented desk booking system. Having more employees working remotely and on the go, often means that you have the opportunity to downsize your office space. This becomes possible as the employees are fewer hours on-premise. Implementing flexible seating options and a desk booking system where the employees can book desks (or meeting rooms) on the go, you don’t just save a lot of time –
but you can also save a lot of money.
Money, because of the downsizing opportunities. When people work more remotely, you don’t need as much office space. As an effect you can save on expensive office facilities that otherwise will be left unused.
With a tech-driven booking system, you also have the opportunity to eliminate ghost bookings. This is when your employees don’t show up to their booked desks or meeting rooms. When you start utilizing your resources more efficiently, our desks and meeting rooms won’t be left empty unnecessarily.
Time, because your employees will have the opportunity to book desks in advance via Outlook or the Fischer & Kerrn Mobile App –
No matter if they are on the fairy, on their way to board a flight, or in their car in the office building’s parking lot. Being able to book in advance eliminates wasted time having to look around the premise for an available desk – because when booking in advance, you know one is waiting for you. This frictionless way of booking desks can further be optimized by implementing overview screens, so your employees and guests easily can find their way around the office building, find colleagues, their booked desks or meeting rooms.
Desk booking systems can add value to your corporate brand
Reach the full potential for your office environment! A booking system can create an effortless workflow, which will most definitely give guests and employees a great experience when visiting your office. A significant benefit of having a desk booking system with integrated software and hardware is the strong brand value it can offer to your company.
Fischer & Kerrn’s desk booking options are sleek, user-friendly, and resourceful in terms of getting your employees and guests to feel welcome. The great signaling availability a booking system provides will make your company appear much more professional. Combining overview screens with one or more of our booking system options or hardware solutions will leave your employees and guests with a great impression of your workplace. Wayfinding becomes increasingly easy and signals a professional, welcoming, and modern environment, and will most definitely result in happier employees.
Learn more about increasing brand value in our E-book: Corporate Identity & Branding

Fischer & Kerrn’s desk booking solutions
As a stable part of our desk booking systems, we offer different models of desk booking:
Booking in advance, booking directly at desk and booking via overview screens. Booking in advance is perfect for employees on the go. It allows you to be sure that a desk is waiting for you at the workplace! When you want to book a desk (or meeting room) in advance, this can be done via Outlook, on touch screen, or the Fischer & Kerrn Mobile App. This functions as a nice way to take control of your week and plan out your activities for when on-premise.
Do you suddenly need to go into the office or need a work station after a meeting finished early? Booking directly on desk panels is a super smart option for unplanned activities and ad-hoc bookings. We offer two different types of desk booking hardware, where each has its own advantages.
Desk Booking Panels
Our desk booking panels are elegant touch screens that easily can be attached to any desk. Their sleek design makes them perfect in any office environment. With the panels’ LED light feature it is easy to see when the desks are occupied or available. With the desk booking panels, you can book desks directly via touch or RFID card. The panels’ screen can give you information on whether the desk is available and for how long.
This knowledge can be key! If you only need the desk for a half hour a desk with a limited availability time might suit you just fine. But if you need the desk for the whole day, you might need a different desk or book another desk for the rest of the day. This can be done via. Mobile App, Outlook or Overview screens.
If you’ve booked the desk in advance, you simply need to check in on the panel.
Read more about the desk booking panels and other smart features here.

PIR Sensor and Busy Light
Do you need a seek, quick and flexible booking solution, where you can sit down and leave as you choose?
Our second desk booking solution is perfect for ad-hoc bookings! As it makes it easy to book and gives a clear and simple overview of availability.
The combination of the PIR Sensor and Busy Light is a clever booking solution as it is sensor-driven. This means that the PIR sensor can provide you with valuable data on your workplace as it monitors activity. You can use the sensor all over the office for different purposes regarding the management of your facilities. But, the sensor works sublimely in combination with the Busy Light! As a desk booking solution, the Pir sensor monitors when someone sits down at a desk and it creates a booking. The sensor sends a signal to the Busy Light and the color of the lamp changes from green to red. This signals that the desk is now booked.
You have the option for customization of your bookings. This kan e.g. be: how long a desk will be booked for, and how long time you can be away from your desk before you lose your booking – if you for example need to go to the bathroom, smoke, eat lunch, etc. You can also choose whether the PIR Sensor and Busy Light combination can be booked in advance or only directly at the desk through seating.

Overview Screens
Overview screens fit perfectly into most workplaces – but especially in large office buildings – as they indicate available resources such as desks and meeting rooms and provide wayfinding. This can be helpful if you want to find an available desk in a certain area or find one of your favorite colleagues to work beside.
Overview screens can provide a hassle-free experience in your everyday work life and is something we strongly recommend in combination with your desk booking modules. Booking via overview screens is smart because it gives you time to find the desk, bring a cup of coffee, or go to a bathroom break without having to hurry or worry about the desk you want being occupied in the meantime.
If you have guests visiting and working from your office, overview screens are a must! We sometimes forget how difficult it can be to find our way around the premise as we get used to the building and use it every day. For our guests this is a totally different story – it can lead to a lot of confusion not knowing where to go or where there is unoccupied seating available. Therefore, an overview screen can be a resourceful way of providing your guests with the information they might need.

So to summarize, as the world gets more modern and we work from home and on the go, this means less time spent at the office. As a result of this way of working, many companies have the opportunity to downsize their office space – and thereby save a lot of time and money. With a tech-driven desk booking system, it is possible to book facilities for your office activities anywhere and anytime, which reduces wasted time and frustration associated with not being able to find an available desk. Being able to book in advance also helps create a welcoming work environment for employees and guests – this, combined with the elegant hardware from Fischer & Kerrn offers great corporate value, as it signals an engaging and professional office space.
How does it work?
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